including domain name




Additional Information


What is a Cpanel?
The Cpanel control Panel makes setting up and managing your web site easy!
The Control Panel is a user-friendly graphical/text interface that permits
quick and easy access to all the features available to your hosting plan.
The features inside the Control Panel automate processes that users must do manually with other hosting companies.

A detailed user manual is avaliable online here

See Tutorials here (Quicktime format) explaining the following topics:

Create a mail account in outlook express
Creating a POP mail account
Creating an AutoResponder
Creating a default email address
Creating a subdomain
Password protecting a directory
Managing databases with PhpMyAdmin
Creating a MySQL database
Creating Custom error pages
Installing Front Page extensions

How Do I access (login) to my own Cpanel?
Access your Cpanel through your web browser by entering the URL address:
and then enter your hosting account's username and password (this was emailed to you when you opened your account).
Alternatively, you can go to the home page and scroll down to the CPanel access there.
From there you will see lots of menu options, some of which are detailed below.

You will see a login (authentication) window similar to below.
Your Cpanel login user/pass is the same as your account user/pass is the same as your main account master mailbox user/pass.

File Manager
By clicking the File Manager option you can view all the directories and files in your account, as well as change permissions for directories and files, create directories, create and edit files, and
upload files from your hard drive to your web site. With this helpful feature, you can get by without any other FTP client software-- it's certainly useful in an emergency or from behind a firewall. You can also edit files using the File Manager.

Mail Manager/Menu
This option is where you create and edit, change passwords, forward email to
other email accounts, and create autoresponders for your Pop3 email accounts.
(Quick Note: It is not necessary to create email aliases because your default email
account acts as a "Catch All Account. In other words
will be delivered to your default mail account.)

Change Password
Click this option to change the password for your Control Panel and FTP account access.

Site Statistics
This option will assist you in monitoring visitors to and from your site.
This area features 3 different views of your traffic:
AWSTATS (we prefer-- it's clear and thorough)
Analog, which basically
provides you with a quick summary.
Webalizer, which provides you with more detailed information.
Last 300 visitors, with detailed information on each.
This area also contains a link to access your error log, which will assist
you in trouble shooting your scripts.

Network Tools
This option provides you with DNS lookup capabilities and traceroute.

FTP Manager
Your Cpanel hosting account comes with a built-in ftp account that is most frequently used for uploading web site files. You use your Cpanel username and password for this main FTP login, and the FTP server is just your domain name (no www. zone prefix).

For any FTP accesses, be sure your own local computer's firewall (or other anti-virus type of protection such as McAfee or Norton) does not block Port 21 (some versions have this as a default to prevent you from using FTP features).

The option to manage your ftp accounts and create new ones is available for hosting accounts that permit multiple ftp accounts (sub ftp accounts) and also those with anonymous ftp.  From this menu, you can set up how anonymous users are treated, change anonymous policies, view who is currently online (logged in to your ftp site), and boot off anyone from their session.

To create a new ftp account within your domain, go to
Account Settings > FTP Manager > FTP://Accounts
You will see that you have several FTP accounts already. Do not tamper with these.
To add an account, click on Add Account and enter the login username and password you'd like to have for this new ftp account. Files referenced by trasnactions using this account will be stored in the subdirectory that you name in the Directory field, by default it is filled in with the login username (and this is a good way to leave it for simplicity and for limiting this account's ftp login access just to this directory).

To use/access the (sub) ftp account you just created:
Via an FTP client application (program):
Just like your web upload ftp access, you use your own domain name as the ftp server; the login username you set up in the cpanel process using the following format:; and the password you entered in the cpanel dialogue box.
Via a web browser:
Use the following (somewhat awkward) syntax as the URL for your access:
Note especially the repitition of (the first part "" tells the browser the login username you want, and the trailing "" tells the browser your ftp server name)
You can enter your password using the browsers' dialogue box prompt or you can include it in the URL by inserting your password as follows:
We do not recommend using this format (unless this is a fairly public ftp account), since it makes your password more vulnerable than it needs to be.

SPECIAL NOTE: For http://username:password@domain

For the http protocol, Microsoft has removed the feature to be able to include user information within the URL address as of IE6's security release.

Thus javascript and other client-side means to build or utilize a URL of this type will fail. You'll need to use a server-side solution.

This does not affect ftp or other protocols.


To change the password of a (sub) ftp account, go to
Account Settings > FTP Manager > FTP://Accounts
and click on Change Password corresponding to the account you want to change.

To set up a "Dropbox" FTP area, click here for information.
Also see the next section for the related feature: password-protected directories.

Password-Protected (Restricted) Directories

Password-protected Directories are Folders within your web site which have read (web) access restricted to only the users you choose. Access permission is accomplished through one or more pairs of username-password sets (technically accomplished via .htaccess). You can only restrict access at the granularity level of a directory (i.e., not on a per-file basis). The restriction affects all files and subdirectories within the scope of the protected directory. Password protected directories are not the way to establish FTP read/write access (instead create a custom FTP account through the Cpanel> FTP manager; see example for "dropbox")

The password-protected directory set-up process is in three steps:

  1. Create a directory (folder). It's fine if it already exists and contains files and subdirectories.
  2. Establish the password protection: Cpanel> PasswordProtectDirectories>
    a. Check the box to enable Password Protection
    b. Enter a phrase that will appear for the username-password authentication window at user sign-in time -- this is a label only and just confirms to the user what they are about to access. (This aspect is not critical to the functioning of the protection feature.)
    c. SAVE to establish the directory protection, then continue for entering usernames...

    d. Establish one or more Usernames+Passwords for this directory. Case sensitive.
    NOTE: Usernames and passwords MUST be from 6 to 8 characters long. Any less than 6 or greater than 8 will cause your protected directory cease to function and you will receive an error when trying to enter the directory.
  3. Access your directory for reading (downloading only) via http: web access. You can use the following URL http syntax to read the protected files (or any combination of subtracting password or username, you'll be prompted if the password (or user & password) are omitted):

If you want to protect only a specific page, you should first create a special directory or subdirectory for it, put the page into that folder, and then assign username and password access to the folder containing your page.  (Remember when you start moving pages around into folders within your web space, you also need to check the URL's on your other pages and modify them to reflect the new path/s to the moved pages.)

NOTE: If you are using FrontPage you must use the special instructions below.

The Password Protect feature modifies the .htaccess file, which you cannot modify if you are using FrontPage without corrupting your FP extensions and/or breaking your FrontPage. Here is how to password protect your directories/pages using your FrontPage authoring tool on your own computer:

Note: A FrontPage sub web and a folder under your domain are basically the same.

1. First, you will need to create a sub web that you want to protect. This sub web is the name of the directory you want to protect and CANNOT exist. Once in FrontPage:

* Select File --> New --> Web
* Click on 'Empty Web' In the text box labeled 'Specify the location of the new web' put in your complete domain name and the name of the folder or sub web you wish to create (i.e.
* Then click on 'OK' and wait while you new sub web is created.

2. Now that your new sub web is created, you will need to set the password protection for this sub web. You should already be in your new sub web. To verify, look at the URL in the title of FrontPage. To password protect this sub web:

* Select 'Tools' --> 'Security' -> 'Permissions'
* A 'Permissions' box will appear.
* Click 'Use unique permissions for this web' and click 'Apply'.
* Click on the 'Users' tab in the permissions box. You will see your current username listed. DO NOT remove this username.
* Click 'Only registered users have browse access'.
* Click 'Apply'.
* Click the 'Add' button
* Fill in the 'Name' 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' text fields and click 'OK'. If you want to add more users just go click on the 'Add' button again and fill in the new users information.
* Click on 'OK' and the 'Permissions' box should disappear.

Now only your FrontPage username/password and the user(s) you just set up can view that sub directory.

Custom Error Pages
This option will assist you in customizing how your error pages look.
It includes:400, 401, 403, 404, 500 error pages


Special note: When you create users and databases via Cpanel, your username is prepended to the identifier you chose. You must use this concatenated identifier in any parameters you send to MySQL for processing. Example code segments for Perl & PHP are shown in the Cpanel when you visit the MySQL page again- these are very handy tidbits for the MySQL beginner!

MySQL is a database management system that you can use with your web site. There are two
separate features in the Control Panel. One allows you to create your databases
and assign users while the other feature permits you to edit the database.
A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL Server. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications.
MySQL is a relational database management system.
A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility. The tables are linked by defined relations making it possible to combine data from several tables on request. The SQL part of "MySQL'' stands for "Structured Query Language''—the most common standardised language used to access databases. See for a user manual and more explanations.

Mime Types
MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions - This option allows you to add
Mime Types to your account.
FRONTPAGE USERS - You will have to use FrontPage to perform this function.

This option will assist you setting up automated processes (batch jobs).

Entropy Chat
This option will allow you to setup a web based chat on your site.

Shopping Cart
Users can setup a fully customized and completely functional storefront and
shopping cart on their site with a host of administrative features. Shopping Carts
are available with all our Hosting Plans. Presently we have Interchange cart and
Agoria .cgi cart included with your control panel We also recomend City Shop from or Oscommerce from

Search Engine Submission
This option will assist you in submitting your URL to many of the popular search
engines in one click.

Sub Domains
This option will assist you setting up subdomains inside your hosting plan.
Subdomains are
The subdomains that are setup through your control panel draw their
resources from the parent plan and do not come with an independant IP address.

Back up Manager
This feature allows you to compress and backup your directories and files at
your convienence.

CGI Scripts
This option provides you with easy use of the following pre-installed/configured scripts:

Random HTML Editor
Guest book
Entropy Search Engine

Further information pertaining to these scripts can be found in the
CGI Center in your Control Panel.

SherwoodHosting DOES NOT provide technical support for ANY third party
CGI / Perl / Java / PHP or Fantastico scripts -- these are often free and you would upload and install them at your own risk.

(Web Page) Redirection (Refer, URL-forwarding)
The Redirect option allows you to specify where to "forward" an incoming web address URL. Two examples are:

  1. You've moved a directory or an entire site (domain name) to another URL (not just changed hosting companies). The Redirect setting allows you to refer the incoming URL to go to the right place. You can specify it once for the entire domain. This is done at the DNS level as opposed to an alternate method is to use the html head section tag <refer>, which must be placed in each file to be affected.
  2. You can "correct" the spelling or upper/lower case of an incoming URL. For instance, you have a musician's CD portfolio located in a subdirectory at (lower case). To allow users to enter either /cd or /CD, you can redirect /CD to /cd.

Here's how you access the settings:
CPANEL> Advanced Menu> Redirects

Then in the left box, type in the subdirectory that the user would type in as a URL.
In the right box, type in the COMPLETE URL including the subdirectory as you need it to be.
Choose Permanent (instead of Temporary), and click on Add.

In the example above, you'd enter in the left box: CD
and in the rightbox:
assuming that when you set up your directories on your site you named the cd directory in lower case.



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