including domain name





This area will help you find solutions to common web problems.

Topics covered herein:



top-level index page is not showing

Problem: Your top-level home page is not showing-- the default ShewoodHosting page or an older version of your front page still shows or a directory listing appears.

Read information here (and surrounding it), and if that doesn't solve it, check the hints below.
Also check the index manager in the Cpanel.

Quickstart (if you're new to web design):
Your home page should be named index.html (or a variant); if there are several index,home,default files, there is a search order from which one will be chosen by the system (for example, you may be intending for your home.htm to show, but index.html shows instead--this is the way apache works); Your home page index.html file should be located at the top of your web directory which is /www/ (or the equivalent is /public_html/).

Updates to a web page page are not showing

Choose one or more of the following techniques to resolve or debug why your recently uploaded edits are not showing.  (Your page's previous contents are still showing, yet the page really was updated.)   Likely, a cache somewhere along the way (your browser or your ISP) has kept a copy of the old version (for speedy re-showing of the page.)

  1. Do a refresh (reload) (or function F5 key);    View> Refresh   does the same thing.
  2. Flush the cache in your browser. In Internet Explorer:
    Tools> Internet Options> General> Delete Files...

  3. Make sure the file in fact uploaded via your FTP program (check the date/time); re-upload it again to be sure; make sure that your FTP program is transferring it to the intended directory
  4. Check the directory listing in your Cpanel FileManager (Cpanel> FileManager> www> select folder and file (via gold folder icons)); also use VIEW FILE to see the WYSIWYG contents via the FileManager
  5. Use the back door URL for your hosting account and make sure the file is there:
  6. Try to see if they can see the file properly
  7. Rename the file (e.g., add an "x" to the end of the filename) and upload and see if that works
  8. Check the file from another ISP, another computer system. Iin one case, the mystery was unsolvable and I suspect that the ISP had a file caching problem, so I changed the name of the file (and the corresponding links to it).




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