will be happy to assist you to answer your question.
- The
most common problems for web and email involve your
connection to
the internet. Sometimes your DSL or CableModem will be intermittent
and result in a number of symptoms and behaviors such as "your
server may be down" (which may mean your cable modem or
DSL has lost all or part of its internet connection). It may be overall fastest for you to try
to resolve it yourself-- click here for several steps to follow.
contact us, please create a support request "ticket" and we'll respond
soon to help resolve your issue.
Click here to
open a new support ticket.
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to accept email from sherwoodhosting.com
status and information about our servers below:
Checking services on: SherwoodHosting.com
Server type :Apache
HTTP: PORT 80 = FTP: PORT 21 = SMTP: PORT 25 = POP: PORT 110 = MySQL: PORT 3306 = IMAP: PORT 143 = DNS:[ns1.sherwoodhosting.com] PORT 53 = DHCP: PORT 68 = SSL: PORT 443 = SSH: PORT 22 =